Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Week 4, #8 RSS feeds

I think it's great that we can see breaking news updates as they happen. It will help me to be informed about newsworthy happenings. RSS will be very helpful in providing our students with new information on their topics of interest.

Here is my Bloglines URL: http://www.bloglines.com/public/Vitaminsunshine

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Week 3, Thing #7

I am so amazed by this whole blogging process. The possibilities are endless. On to the next new thing.......

Week 3, Thing #6

A palm tree swaying lightly in the soft summer breeze sounds so inviting. I want to be there right NOW! This photo was created with Photofiddler. The picture is from Flickr's Creative Commons, and is titled Great Beach by margaritanitz. LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! Where's my margarita????

Week 3, Thing #5

A sunset is one of my favorite things. I especially love a sunset at the beach. I found this lovely sunset in Flickr's Creative Commons. It is called "Sunset Fawley" and was photographed by rhys400D. Please excuse me for a few moments while I reflect on all of the beauty.....